A great big THANK YOU to everyone who has followed this blog.

I had to take a moment to breathe after the awful news that my appeal was denied in California.

After that, I received the news that the Supreme Court of California would not even REVIEW my case.

So… I can now say I’m out of the clouds and happy that I am no longer living in that police state.

I’m here in New Hampshire. We are settled in and finding peace… finally… after 7 years.

I’ve made a completely clean break and have started a completely different blog. Something more hopeful. It can be found here.

The end.


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The Tyranny of the Cubicle, Now on Kindle

Just a quick note to say that my book is now available on Kindle through Amazon. Take a look! 🙂


The Tyranny of the Cubicle

ImageWell, my book is out. You can order your copy here.

I also talk about it on PorcTherapy with host Stephanie Murphy.

I’m a bit apprehensive to have my life out on display in this book for everyone to see. Not that the transparency and judgment is anything new…

I’m hoping to get off probation in January. At least, that’s what the judge said he would consider or at least take me off of “formal” probation so I can leave the county!! Then I am OUT of this crazy state. Seriously, things seem to get worse exponentially, day by day.

A couple weeks ago, LAPD and DCFS came and took my roommate’s newborn. That’s sent me on a bit of a tailspin. And that was followed by my office asking that our “ties be severed” by voicemail… a bit like having your boyfriend breaking up with you by text.

ImageAnd then, of course, these things happen and my supporters, family and friends want to know what I’m doing to MAKE these things happen. Either I have not “manifested” enough blessings or I am “inviting” drama.

This leaves me to the uncomfortable pondering of Haitian orphans and babies with HIV and starving babies in Somalia… what did they DO to deserve their pain?

My answer can only be that they have done NOTHING different than the babies raised in a white picket home in the suburbs. For whatever reason, God has seen fit to put me here in this time and place. I cannot wait to see the reason, because I TRUST that it is worth it.

Of course, I do have ears to hear what I am saying and a part of me feels those words as a hollow eyed solution and words of desperation. Kind of like reading Ann Frank’s words in hiding, “Despite all this, I still believe in the goodness of humanity.”

Well, I DON’T. But I do still hold to the goodness of God.

Unfortunately, that stand does nothing right now for the splitting headache and lack of drive to do anything but lay in bed and wish to wake up several months later and find this was all over. If only I could hibernate… at least then I wouldn’t use up the groceries.

I’m glad my roommate is here… she does dishes, cleans and cooks to keep herself from going mad with how much she worries about and misses her children. If I were the only adult here, my dishes would be piled high and there would be no clean clothes. Roaches and flies would have infested our bathroom and kitchen.

Her husband works tirelessly at the endless paper trail to somehow feel like battle is being waged for his babies, locked in a bloated and overstepping system of evil.

And my children play video games and instruments and dig holes in the ground just to fill them back up again. To make the lingering days pass until we can be free and I can work again.

Somehow it appears things will get worse again before they get better. I don’t know that I will recognize freedom since I have fallen into a cozy depressed apathy in these chains. Is this how they kill people slowly? Is this what makes addicts who become the skid row street dwellers I used to serve on community service?

Art Exhibit With My Paintings

I have three paintings in this upcoming show in Orange County. If you can make it, would you take pictures for me? I’m not allowed to go because the Probation Department won’t let me leave Los Angeles. Thanks!

Oh, and the three pieces I have up are for sale.

An Interesting Conversation

Just a glimpse into some of the day to day conversations that get thrown my way. Here is a conversation online that I recently had with a woman that I do not know on a post about the safety of home birth. I will call her “Birtha.” She jumped in on the middle of conversation and here is what she had to say:

Birtha: I don’t even know where to start with all this. Clearly, as a mother, I would do anything and everything to make my child’s life better, and to give her any advantage I can give her. That is why I stupidly fell into the propaganda and tried a home birth. So I understand where the gals are coming from here. However, it is shocking to me to hear that this is being framed as a “woman’s choice” argument rather than what it should be framed as: what is best for the mother AND a baby’s health. VBAC- Say mamma wants to do one at home. Or do a breech birth at home. How narcissistic and selfish is it for a mother to risk her child’s life simply to gain bragging rights of having a “natural” child birth? Because that is what this is about ladies, and you’re all fucking kidding yourselves if you deny it. This is about being able to walk down the street holding your stretched out vagina for all other lesser epidural-receiving and C-Section-having mothers out there to see and covet. This is a female-instigated, anti-feminist competition amongst women to prove they are stronger and better than other women. Think for a moment if men started telling women to ignore the FACT that child birth is the leading killer of women on this earth, and MEN (and god forbid they be males in the dominant patriarchal paradigm of the monetized birthing industry) telling women to forgo access to life saving medicines, technologies and doctors even though hospital births are proven SAFER, ya’ll would have a shit fit. But since this propaganda is being pushed by WOMEN, women are accepting it. And another thing! (RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE) Last time I checked, midwives charge money for their services too. So are midwives now corrupted? Maybe all midwives should accept payment with dried corn or fancy lace to keep their holier-than-thou purity. Next, I am a licensed (non-medical) professional. And if anyone ever attempted to do what I do without a license, I would immediately report them to the Board which oversees my profession and lobby strongly for harsh discipline. There is a reason why licensure is required…and it is to protect the public. Just as I don’t want a cabbie doing my dialysis, I wouldn’t want Lindsay Lohan as my cabbie. If you want to practice in a PROFESSION, then get a license AND INSURANCE. Lastly, the link on the crazy fucked up things the Oregon midwives do to NON- CONSENTING BABIES…I can tell you, speaking falsities about someone’s professional business acumen is defamation per se. There is no defense to defamation per se except truth. My assumption is, any of these black dots or red squares who felt they were lied about would shut that blog down with a single cease and desist letter. Lastly…it never ceases to amaze me that the same women who so ardently condemn conservatives for denying global warming when all scientific data points to the reality of global warming, are the same women who deny all scientific data on birthing at home. Super lastly, it’s super natural for male chimpanzees to eat baby chimpanzees. In going the home birth route, I initially wanted my husband to chew the head off my daughter when she popped out…but thought it may have negative ramifications in the media so ultimately I chose against killing my baby. Not because I cared about my baby, but because I cared about what other people would think about me. Super dooper lastly, I told my midwife 3 or 4 times that I needed to go to the hospital because something was wrong. Each and every time she said “You know if you go to the hospital, they’ll give you Pitocin, and you’ll end up having a C-Section. Do you want that?” And she would walk out of the room. Ultimately, I asked her to permanently leave the room, and told my husband to take me to the hospital and to not let the midwife stop me. Why in the fuck would someone who is allegedly for women’s choice repeatedly stand in the way of a birthing mother’s knowledge of her own body’s limitations? That, my friends, is the ultimate anti-choice move, and it was motivated by her desire to keep her transfer statistics low. Ultimately, I endured 27+ hours of needless labor because my baby was sideways, and the midwife didn’t know. The stupid cunt. But would I change anything about it? Absolutely not because I’m not an insufferable, judgmental bitch anymore about the absolutism on natural child birth. Actually, i would change one thing. I would have covered up my titties before having the Cedars valet park my car. In my book, character and credibility is everything when it comes to touching vaginas. You want ad hominem? I give you ad hominem: https://supportmidwifekatiemccall.wordpress.com/2012/06/02/the-gift-i-received-june-1-2012/ You were found guilty of practicing medicine without a license. Yet you show no remorse. No wonder it is so important for you to be right about something that can be so dangerous. Because it if is dangerous, you’d have to admit culpability to almost killing a woman through gross ignorance and arrogance. Again, if your former client is a liar, then sue her. It’s defamation per se and you would win. I make mistakes all the time. But I own up to them, and learn from them. You, on the other hand, are extremely dangerous because you do not learn from your mistakes. Rather, you’ve decided to paint yourself as poster child of the Pro-Home Birth Movement, and martyr for the rights of women everywhere. I believe this conversation is over.

Me: So, if you were at a birth where a mother refused transport as a student, you would just leave I assume? If you truly believe birth is so dangerous, my guess is you would anticipate the need for someone with skill to be present. Yet you attack me for saving a life? I don’t know where all your anger comes from, but I pity you. I was a believer is self-ownership and liberty long before I was ever pursued by the medical board. I pray nobody ever goes through what I did, including you. That is why I continue to fight for your liberty to birth (or not) wherever you like. Attack me all you like, but if the tables were turned and someone wanted to force YOU to birth at home (as you allege your midwife did), you would kick and scream for your right to do otherwise. Funny you posted this and not the response to it. https://supportmidwifekatiemccall.wordpress.com/2012/06/03/a-more-detailed-response/
Birtha:Why haven’t you sued your former client, her husband and the acupuncturist for slander and libel if what the three of them are saying is false? I cannot believe you have not taken responsibility for your actions even after this. There is a phone. There is 911. You were not, and are not, the victim. Would I leave? No. Would I try to birth a baby myself, and sew someone’s snatch without a license? No. And you have yet to respond to the study I posted. And I read your second post. The more detailed response. The “contradictions” of the mother you point out are collateral matters and do not change the reality of the situation. Your attorney’s statement in open court does not disprove anything. Attorney comments are not admissible evidence. Just because the plea offer is not in the records of either party does not mean it did not occur. Just because the mother did not see your hands ungloved while extracting the placenta does not mean her husband or the acupuncturist did not see your ungloved hands. Just because the father saw you holding a phone does not mean you actually called someone. Did your defense attorney subpoena your phone records to prove a good faith attempt to contact one of the unlicensed midwives you allegedly called? Your last link just attempts to obfuscate. But importantly you admit to practicing medicine without a license. And you need not worry about a Board going after me. I would never do something like this in a million years.

Me:I’m still not at my computer. I have not sued anyone because their stories corroborate mine in the most important places. I was not found guilty of not calling 911. An emergency situation was proven by the three medical experts and the EMT who was present. The question was whether I practiced medicine. I did. I’ve never said I didn’t. I’ve only said that if I had not someone may have died. That is all. The recent anonymous letter does not say who it is from, so who am I to sue, especially since it says the opposite of what the witnesses said under oath. So, either the author was not one of the witnesses or the author is guilty of perjury. Either way, I have no way of knowing who wrote it. And may I remind that the only LICENSED medical provider at the birth ALSO did not call 911. Why do you think that is? There is a PICTURE of my gloved hands. Phone records are inadmissible as hearsay. The father did not just see me with a phone, they also said I called the midwife. Nobody saw you when you were alone with your child, does that mean you are guilty of beating him? I’m very concerned about the path we are on here… A sad future for our children indeed. It now appears you are just wanting to attack me personally. Why is that?

Birtha: Just in case anyone one was wondering: 1. Phone records are not inadmissible hearsay. They are an exception to the hearsay rule if verified by the custodian of records of the service provider. 2. If someone defames you online, you may file suit in Los Angeles Superior Court against DOES 1-100, and then use the case number to issue a subpoena against the ISP to gain identification information of a) the owner of the email address and/or b) the computer from which the message was sent. 3. Or you can just go sue the only other three people in the room with you and subpoena all their computers to find out who it was, and dismiss them when their computers turn up nothing. 4.  here is a copy of the midwife’s IC agreement: http://www.centerfornaturalbirth.com/documents/welcome/CNB_Informed_Consent.pdf You will see there is nothing in there regarding the fact that 37% of all nulliparous women stand a chance of transfer to a hospital, nor are there any references to increased infant mortality. Also interesting, is that a birthing mother must agree to go to the hospital upon recommendation of the midwife. (Meaning, if the midwife is responsible, and recognizes an emergency situation, even if the mother does not want to be transferred, she has waived that right to object to transfer.) You will also note, the midwife agreement only covers LICENSED MIDWIVES. Not aspiring midwives or shoe salesmen. 5. Just for your info.
Me: ‎1. That’s not what my judge said in court 2. There was no ISP as the letter was posted publicly by a third party who said she got it from a friend who got it from a friend and refused to disclose her source. Further, you think I have money to hire a PI or something? I’m a single mother over here who’s job has been stripped from her. 3. Three people in the room? Who are you talking about? 4. That’s not MY IC or the midwives I work with. And yes, agreed… all the more reason the only LICENSED person at the birth I attended should have been the one to recommend the hospital and yet she argued against my recommendation.

In Conclusion

Today is my friend’s birthday. He is a single father  in the middle of a messy custody battle. DCFS is involved. I don’t claim to know anything about his baby mama’s case. But regardless, he felt the need to ask DCFS for permission to have me come over to his house. You know, because I’m a felon and all.

Just now he contacted me to let me know he is not allowed to associate with me. He got a “finger wagging” from the social worker.

Ironic that. Ironic all of it. I’m now too dangerous to associate with children, or even be present in their home. Hurry up and hide them! This midwife is dangerous.

It’s taken me a good couple weeks to write an update because the update I have is so heart-wrenching for me I couldn’t bring myself to write it.

A couple weeks ago on… oh, never mind, I’ve apparently blocked the date from my memory… I signed away my right to: 1. Have my midwifery license in the state of California and 2. Ever defend the Medical Board’s accusations if I attempt to ever obtain a medical license from the state of California for any reason ever again. Read: Never work in the state of CA again… not even if I went back to school and became an MD.

If California was like so many other states and recognized a woman’s right to birth WHERE and WITH WHOM she desired, I would be able to work outside of the megalomaniacal Medical Board.

In exchange, I get to relieve my pro bono attorney who has been tirelessly fighting on my behalf without a penny since the fall of 2010. I also get to know that I will have “surrendered” my license as opposed to having it “revoked”… semantics, really, but one that may make a difference in another state.

If I fought the Medical Board any further, I ran the risk of them back charging me tens of thousands of dollars. And, well, as a single mama with no ability to work in her profession, I really can’t afford that.

And, honestly, my supporters are tired. I watch the responses to my emails dwindle as time goes by. And my local birth community is too busy to care, most of them.

None of this changes even if my felony conviction is overturned after appeal.

The thing I find most ironic about this is that this state has many midwives who have been found guilty or plead guilty to crimes– most after the death of a baby– who are still working here, peaceful as peaches with their licenses intact. And further, let’s not get into the doctors who have continued to work.

So, I claw at the dry earth around me and hope to carve out some essentials as the kids and I attempt to make ends meet while I’m forced to remain in this county by the CA probation department. Without a job.

I clean houses, and babysit and teach classes here and there. I scrub toilets and paste canvasses and run errands for people. Whatever it takes. My friends at least trust me for these things.

And I see my children barely at all.

My daughter has taken on irrational fears ad nauseum and my son is incredibly angry. What do I do about it? Nothing. I don’t have time.

And I dream of the day when probation is done and I can leave this awful, ignorant, assaulting state. When I can burn the bridges I had with the Socialist Republic of California. And I look forward to another life in another state where midwifery laws aren’t so ridiculous.

But I’m ANGRY. I’m oh, so angry. My family’s blood is in this land. Our tears, our sweat. I’m FROM this place. My grandfather and grandmother served here as medical people. Gave their lives to the health and well-being of its citizens. We volunteered and voted and went to church.

And now the taxpayers of this state have seen fit to strip me of all of my life’s work, my family, my friends, my roots. They have seen fit to toss me out and give not a care to whether we live or die. Is a cage worse than being exiled?

Well, I guess I could stay… but then I would continue to work these 10-12 hour days and my children would be missing two parents instead of the one.

The words I want to write here are not suitable for children so I will leave this at that. Image

A More Detailed Response

At the advice of my attorney I am responding to the letter from “J” that is being circulated. In the interest of time, I am responding with direct trial transcript. I am only hitting the highlights as I am having to type and search these statements all by hand as the copies I have are non-searchable image PDF files. In other words, I’m having to type it all up by hand. The words in italics are “J’s” words from her email and bold type are the response from the transcripts.

“IR” means that the quote is from an Investigative Report Interview and “TT” means that the quote is from the Trial Transcript.

I have all the documents (both the investigation report in full and the trial transcripts along with all pictures and video… oh, yes and now the appeal) at my home. ANYONE who is interested is welcome to come over for tea and read them. My life has, and will always remain, open and genuine in the service of women. However, I have removed the names of others from these quotes, including Mrs. “J” as she requested, since so many others live in fear.

-Katie McCall

1. “Next week, Katie will face the California Medical Board to regain her license, and she’s currently appealing her guilty ruling from last year’s trial. Since she is now seeking a reinstatement of her license, and has the potential to practice again, it is time for me to confront these untruths.

Next week the Medical Board plans to begin their process to REVOKE my license which is currently not suspended or revoked. You may easily look up my name on the Medical Board’s website, where I am listed as “delinquent” because I refused to pay my renewal fee: http://www2.dca.ca.gov/pls/wllpub/wllqryna$lcev2.startup?p_qte_code=LM&p_qte_pgm_code=6200

2. “What I am sharing is consistent with court documents and the statements of at least two witnesses, and I hope will give a more complete account of the actual case.”

Please see the actual trial quotes below.

3. “The details I am sharing with you reflect my initial statement to the California Medical Board made several years ago, and my testimony in court; my story is consistent and has not changed.”

Please also see the quotes from her investigation interview, dated July 29, 2010, below. This interview is the first time she cooperated with the Medical Board’s investigation despite the complaint being filed back in December 2007. One of the reasons the complaint didn’t go anywhere for three years was because “J” would not respond to their requests for further information during that time.

4. “We were not told that a midwife would not be present, and were led to believe that everything was being handled as agreed upon. This is the most striking claim made by Ms. McCall, and one that was not generated until well after the birth. When I arrived to testify at the trial, I expected that our experiences might differ slightly with regard to some details, but that much of our testimonies would be congruent. I was stunned when the District Attorney informed me of Katie’s defense: that on arrival to our birth, she had told us no midwife would be attending and that we should transfer. This never happened.”

TT, page 935, line 27: Prosecutor: “At some point she left the room that you were in and then ultimately returned?” “J”: “That’s right.” Prosecutor: “And then when she returned she told you that the midwife was unavailable?” “J”: “Yes. That’s correct.”

TT, page 936, line 26: Prosecutor: “When the defendant walked back in and advised you that the midwife was not available, describe the defendant’s actions after advising you that the midwife was not available.” “J”: “She seemed very confident in explaining it to us, and she said, I think, that she would continue trying or that she would reach someone else. The impression was given that she would keep trying to reach one of the midwives.”

5. “No one witnessed Ms. McCall contacting other preceptors, and there is no evidence that this occurred.”

IR, page 37, line 8: “J”: “I think my husband remembers that she was actually on the phone like she was — she was actually — she had the phone to her ear. I’m not sure exactly whether she was leaving a message or calling someone else, but after that she told us that she had called the midwife and I’m fairly sure that she said she would be unavailable”

6. “At no point in the labor or post-birth period did Ms. McCall recommend a transfer. Three witnesses corroborate this and testified to it in court under oath. If Ms. McCall had recommended a transfer, we would have transferred. This is especially true of my husband, who would have been entirely uncomfortable without a properly qualified midwife, and would have insisted on going to the hospital immediately.”

IR, page 42, line 21: “J”: “And she, at that point, suggested that I — I had been laboring for a really long time and my body was getting exhausted and if I continued to be exhausted like that, that I would need to transfer.”

IR, page 45, line 5: “J”: “So after that, she (Katie) left the room and I just resolved — after Melanie said to me and I knew that everything was ok with the baby, I just resolved that I — I was just going to have the baby and that I — I wasn’t going to think about transferring”

TT, page 1010, line 7: “J”: “She did not say hospital. She said transfer, that was the term she used. It was implied that, yes, that would be going to the hospital.” Defense attorney: “She used the word transfer?” “J”: “Yes.” Defense attorney: “And you understood that to mean transfer to a hospital?” “J”: “That’s right.”

7. “A transfer was never recommended. If a transfer had been recommended for any legitimate reason, I would have transferred.”

TT, page 960, line 15: Prosecutor: “Did the word ‘hospital’ ever come up after that one time that she (Katie) recommended that you go to the hospital?” “J”: “There was no reference to it after that point.”

8. “The diagnosis of shoulder dystocia is highly questionable, since some of the obvious warning signs were not present. The diagnosis was also not confirmed by a medical professional. Katie initially treated this suspected issue with techniques contra-indicated for the condition, such as pulling on the baby’s head when it emerged and failing to wait for the next imminent contraction to birth the baby’s shoulders and body.”

IR, EMT interview synopsis with Investigator Yanik, page 2: “She explained that the baby’s shoulders got stuck (shoulder dystocia) as the baby was coming out. She said that the baby was “very, very large.” However, she said, “Katie did a good job getting the baby out. That was not the problem.” She said the baby was birthed safely, had a “beautiful pink color,” and was breathing normally.”

TT, page 1513, line 6: EMT: “In medical terms we call it turtling… what actually happened was that the baby’s head bobbed back and forth as it tried to come out and couldn’t, to our knowledge.” Defense attorney: “And did that concern you?” EMT: “It did. It was a high concern at that point because what that normally is a sign of is shoulder dystocia.”

TT, page 1514, line 8: Defense attorney: “Did you ever see Ms. McCall pull on that baby’s neck to get it out?” EMT: “Never.”

9. “It is likely that Katie contributed to or directly caused the postpartum hemorrhage by removing the placenta prematurely, with ungloved hands.”

TT, page 1034, line 17: Defense attorney: “When she (Katie) manually removed your placenta, did she have on a glove or did she not have on a glove?” “J”: “I did not see. I was lying down. I did not see whether she had a glove on.”

TT, page 1035, line 17: Defense attorney: “When Ms. McCall manually removed your placenta, I just want to know if you know was she wearing gloves or was she not wearing gloves?” “J”: “I do not know.”

10. “The extensive bleeding was largely ignored by Ms. McCall until it became potentially life-threatening. She did not treat it immediately as has been suggested. Instead, she did not attempt to treat the bleeding until the acupuncturist who was present expressed distress over my appearance.”

IR, page 53, line 2: “J”: “This would have been 10 to 15 minutes after the birth. So it wasn’t as though she waited for the placenta to come out. But she had been concerned about bleeding I guess at that point, although there wasn’t that much blood.”

TT, page 1516, line 10: Defense attorney: “Can you tell the jury what was happening when that photograph was taken?” EMT: “That was directly after the mother had hemorrhaged, the baby had been born and the placenta had been birthed. The hemorrhaging had been stopped by Ms. McCall and the mom kind of looked down and started to giggle and said “Oh my gosh, look…” Defense attorney: “Did she make a face?” EMT: “She did. She laid down and made a face and said, “Take a picture…” Defense attorney: “What did the mother say if you remember, when this picture was taken?” EMT: “She said, ‘Look at all this blood around me,’ handed the camera to someone and said, ‘Here, take a picture of me pretending I’m dead,’ and that’s when she laid down, had her tongue hang out and had them take a picture.”

TT, page 1517, line 16: Defense attorney: “Did you see a hemorrhage or a large amount of blood loss from the mother?” EMT: “Directly after the birth, yes.” Defense attorney: “Did that concern you?” EMT: “Yes it did.” Defense attorney: “Did it concern Ms. McCall?” EMT: “Yes it did.”

11. “Earlier in the birth, Katie had requested the presence of a woman who was considering becoming a doula to provide labor support under Katie. She had worked as an EMT but did not serve in this capacity or provide medical assistance at the birth.”

The video played at trial shows the EMT providing all of the assessments. I (Katie) am not even IN the video, which was shot by the acupuncturist.

12. “Both my child and I were injured as a result of our treatment at the birth.”

TT, page 2422, line 22: The Judge (after hearing the entire case): “I also want to point out that there was a happy ending in this case. The mother and the baby are healthy. The baby had no problems. The mother is ok. And that’s the good part about the situation.” As a result, he did not order that I pay any restitution to “J” or her family because there were no injuries so they were not entitled to any.

13. “Further, when she (the acupuncturist) filed the report, she believed she was reporting a licensed midwife for gross negligence. She did not realize Ms. McCall was unlicensed, and learned this only after filing the report.”

From the acupuncturists original complaint: “Ms. McCall is practicing midwifery without a license, both as a lead midwife and alone. By law she is required to have a licensed midwife present at every birth she attends.”

14. “Katie was paid in full in advance of the birth, in the amount of $1,500, on the schedule that she had requested. At one point, she claimed that she had accidentally ruined one of the checks in the wash, and asked for a replacement.”

IR of “J”, page 17, line 11: Investigator: “How much was it agreed? What was the agreement payment?” J: “I believe it was $2,000 and I don’t quite remember the payment schedule. I believe it was maybe $500 at– at the initial appointment and then I might have paid $500 every few weeks after that.”

15. “This midwife was on the witness list and prepared to testify under oath that she was never called. The midwife involved was prepared to testify under oath that she was not attending another birth, nor had she planned to attend our birth, nor had she ever heard of us.”

TT, page 2405, line 5: Defense attorney: “The prosecutor spoke to the midwife, as did I, and she confirmed that the night in question, your honor, she was at another birth. She confirmed that. Now to say that Ms. McCall did not make an attempt to contact a preceptor is false because she confirmed that she was at another birth. That would be quite an elaborate scenario to orchestrate by Ms. McCall.”

16. “I later learned that none of the women listed as Katie’s preceptors were even licensed to practice midwifery in the state of California. This means that even if Katie had contacted one of them, she would not have fulfilled her commitment to provide a licensed midwife at the birth”

The list of midwives submitted as evidence by the Prosecution lists the two midwives as “DEM” and unlicensed. This list was given to the Prosecution by “J” as evidence of paperwork I gave her before her birth. I must admit here, that I was under the impression from both my school and members of the Midwifery Advisory Council that midwives who practice under “religious exemption” were legally practicing in the state of California. I stand corrected.

17. “One of the three midwives Katie claimed to work with had never supervised Katie at a birth, and had no arrangement with her to be listed as a preceptor. She has never been involved with her in any professional capacity.”

I have attended births with EVERY midwife I ever listed as a supervising midwife when I was a student. Unfortunately she doesn’t list a name, so I’m unsure who she is referring to.

18. “She (Katie) received her license only because of a clerical error on the part of the California Medical Board, which failed to properly search for her name (using “Katie McCall” instead of “Katherine McCall”) during the licensing process. As a result, they did not see the complaint filed against her or the investigation which was in process. Katie McCall would not have been licensed had this error not occurred.”

The Medical Board does not look people up “by name.” They run a fingerprint and social security number Lifescan background check Further, on all of the Investigation Report documents from the Medical Board I am listed as Katharine Louise McCall (the correct spelling of my first name).

19. “Although Ms. McCall initially refused to plead guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for leniency, this was not the case once the trial was underway. Following the testimony of me and my husband, she and her attorney sought a plea from the District Attorney who was prosecuting the case. At that point it had become evident that her testimony was not the truth and that a guilty verdict was likely. The DA refused the plea.”

This event (an attempt to request a plea after “J”s testimony) does not exist. It is nowhere recorded in either the defense or prosecution’s records.

20. “Katie McCall was not convicted of a felony for palpating a belly or taking blood pressure. She was convicted for gross negligence, dishonesty, and life-threatening actions at a birth, and for practicing medicine without a license.”

I was convicted of practicing medicine without a license and no other charge.

21. “It is about a woman who acted far beyond the boundaries of her training and the desires of birthing parents, whose actions resulted in serious complications, and who then proceeded to lie in court, and to all of you.

This is a serious charge– perjury.  As is typical for criminal cases, I did not testify at trial and therefore this is simply impossible as an initial matter.  But more troubling is that “J” is actually making a claim that perjury was committed.  

22. “These stories are simply too different to be reconciled to each other; one of us is speaking the truth, one is not.”


The Gift I Received June 1, 2012

A few hours ago, the following was posted on a forum of Los Angeles birth doulas. Doulas, mind you, not midwives. I wonder why? Is it because I have resumed attempting to work as a doula? I am not a member of the forum but several friends forwarded the message to me.

I really don’t know what to say. So I will just say this: I stand by my version of the story which is found at http://www.supportmidwifekatiemccall.wordpress.com/about

And my response to the widely diverging stories between what is below and court testimony… making me wonder if the email is even authentic: https://supportmidwifekatiemccall.wordpress.com/2012/06/03/a-more-detailed-response/

If you have questions about me, PLEASE ASK ME. I’m an open book. Yet the people who keep vilifying me never speak to me. I feel very sorry for their hearts to be filled with so much hate that they would want to continue to attack me and see me so ruined. I am heartbroken by Elizabeth Bachner (and her “source”) that she would post something of this nature on a large forum without confronting me with it first or even notifying me that it existed. Very painful thing to do to another woman indeed. :*(Everything I stand by is contained in court documents. If anyone wants proof of anything just ask. My hope is that, like me, you are tired of all of this drama and couldn’t care less. I’m too tired to fish through this long message and respond to every point. I’ve been kicked so many times it’s becoming normal. I really would like it to stop. I cannot put words to the grief, pain and devastation this whole five year long ordeal has brought me. And because my only motivation was love and to help, I walk away believing I should have never been so naive as to serve birthing families. Just what we need when there is a shortage of birth workers. May it never happen to another birth student.

I hope that my silence will not cast a shadow on my integrity. I am choosing to not waste time defending myself when I could be spending precious time building up other women.



Hello Ladies,

I received this from a friend who is very involved in the birthing community.

She received it directly from the mother involved with Katie McCall’s case. I

am forwarding it here as information, NOT as a personal opinion nor as gossip,

as I feel it is important for everyone in the community to know about this

letter as we might be hearing about it from clients, friends and colleagues.

I have uploaded the pdf file to the group as well as copying and pasting it

below for convenience.

Warmly, Elizabeth

p.s. the mother has asked for her personal information to be removed from the

original email, that is the only thing that has been edited.

Elizabeth Bachner I Midwife, Acupuncturist & Birthing Coach

1445 N. Gardner Street I Los Angeles, CA 90046 I 310.704.3500 I





> Begin forwarded message:


> From: J(text removed)

> Subject: Katie McCall Case

> Date: June 1, 2012 2:49:37 PM PDT

> To: (text removed)


> Hello (names removed),


> Next week, Katie will face the California Medical Board to regain her license,

and she’s currently appealing her guilty ruling from last year’s trial. Before

she garners more support based on the untrue picture she has created, I wanted

to give you my own words about the case, and have attached a statement that

explains what happened.


> Please feel free to share it as you deem appropriate, or to just use it for

reference if questions arise. My interest isn’t really that it becomes widely

read, but that the information is available for birth professionals and families

who might choose to work with or birth with her in the future.


> I’ve tried to be as clear and concise as possible, but it’s still quite long

because I wanted to cover so many points. As I mentioned before, please do not

attach my name to it in any way.


> If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them. You can contact me

via email or call me at (text removed).


> Thanks, and blessings,


> J(text removed)


Last year, a California court determined that midwife Katie McCall was guilty of

practicing medicine without a license. Following the ruling, Ms. McCall began

circulating a story that painted her as the victim of an overzealous legal

system attempting to restrict homebirth freedoms, and by extension, other

freedoms as well. This story picked up momentum, becoming featured in mainstream

media as well as homebirth and women’s rights blogs. Unfortunately, as the story

spread, its sharers accepted Ms. McCall’s version without question and did not

stop to verify it against the facts of the case.

I was the material witness in this case, the mother whose birth Katie attended.

I am a committed supporter of homebirth, midwifery, and birth choice. My

experience, and the experience of those present with me at the birth, is

dramatically different from the story told by Ms. McCall. I do not have any

reason to be dishonest about this and I don’t intend to profit from the

situation in any way.

It has been several years since this all began. In that time, I have remained

quiet, waiting for Ms. McCall to adopt a posture of humility and assume

responsibility for her actions. She has never done so, and has instead

maintained that she saved our lives and has done nothing wrong. Since she is now

seeking a reinstatement of her license, and has the potential to practice again,

it is time for me to confront these untruths. I hope that my statement will

clear up some of the misconceptions around this case, and I ask that you please

take a moment to hear the facts of the story. What I am sharing is consistent

with court documents and the statements of at least two witnesses, and I hope

will give a more complete account of the actual case.

I also feel great compassion toward Katie. This case has undoubtedly been very

difficult for her and her family, and it must be something that burdens her

daily. I would not wish this situation on anyone, and it has been painful for

everyone involved. Because of this, I feel the most loving and honest thing to

do is to speak the truth.

The details I am sharing with you reflect my initial statement to the California

Medical Board made several years ago, and my testimony in court; my story is

consistent and has not changed. Below, I address the claims surrounding the

case. Some have been made by Katie McCall directly, while others are erroneous

details that have sprung up in the process of supporting her (the claims are in

italics; my responses follow). The statement below is lengthy, but I ask that

you please read it in its entirety in order to fully understand the truth of the


The family involved in the case was happy with the care they received, and are

not the ones who filed the report.

We were not happy with the care we received. Many unprofessional actions were

taken by Ms. McCall, and we failed to put them all together before it was too

late. We trusted her, and regret doing so.

The initial report was filed by an acupuncturist who was present at the birth.

She filed with our complete support and cooperation shortly after the birth. We

chose not to file a report at that time because we wanted to focus on our new


Katie McCall was asked by clients to be their midwife. The exchange was not for


After interviewing several midwives, my husband and I agreed to hire Katie and

pay her asking fee of $1,500, which was explicitly stated in a contract provided

by Ms. McCall. This amount was paid to her in full.

Several statements report that I was a friend. I was a client and did not know

her in any other capacity.

The agreement was that Katie would be hired as a student midwife which would

count toward her training, and she would bring a preceptor (supervising midwife)

to the birth.

This is true and included in the contract. Katie explained that there were three

midwives under whom she worked, and that if one was unavailable for the birth,

the others would be contacted.

At the time of the contract, the preceptor was contacted, and an agreement was

made that she would attend the birth and receive money and sign contracts when

she arrived as she lived farther away than would allow this exchange to happen

ahead of time.

The preceptor was not contacted at the time of the contract. Neither I nor my

husband had any contact with the preceptor prior to the birth, and had no such

arrangement to exchange money with her. We had already paid Katie in the form of

two checks made out in her name, the last of which was paid several weeks before

the birth. Both of these checks were cashed.

The contracts mentioned were signed by my husband and me nearly two months

before the birth. This would have been ample time to mail them to a preceptor

for her signature, which Katie did not do.

Katie McCall was not paid by the clients, or was paid only $200.

Katie was paid in full in advance of the birth, in the amount of $1,500, on the

schedule that she had requested. At one point, she claimed that she had

accidentally ruined one of the checks in the wash, and asked for a replacement.

My husband and I verified through our bank that she had already cashed the

check, and provided her with the tracking number that proved this. She did not

mention it again.

At the time of the birth, the supervising midwife was called, but was


Katie claimed to have called the midwife, but this was never witnessed by

anyone. This midwife was on the witness list and prepared to testify under oath

that she was never called.

The supervising midwife had another mother in labor, and had already committed

to that birth.

Katie did not tell us this during our child’s birth, although she later

testified to it in court. The midwife involved was prepared to testify under

oath that she was not attending another birth, nor had she planned to attend our

birth, nor had she ever heard of us. All of these details were fabricated by Ms.


I later learned that none of the women listed as Katie’s preceptors were even

licensed to practice midwifery in the state of California. This means that even

if Katie had contacted one of them, she would not have fulfilled her commitment

to provide a licensed midwife at the birth.

Other preceptors were called and no other preceptor (supervising midwife) was


No one witnessed Ms. McCall contacting other preceptors, and there is no

evidence that this occurred. No other midwives reported receiving a call.

Katie told one witness present that she called only one midwife, who was unable

to attend because she was home caring for her sick children. Katie stated that

she had a long list of preceptors, but preferred not to call them because she

was confident she could handle the birth herself. According to this witness, Ms.

McCall then put away her list of midwives and made no other attempts to contact

them. My husband and I were not present when this occurred and were not made

aware of this.

One of the three midwives Katie claimed to work with had never supervised Katie

at a birth, and had no arrangement with her to be listed as a preceptor. She has

never been involved with her in any professional capacity.

Out of the 350 births attended up to that point as a doula and as a student,

Katie had never attended a birth without a supervising midwife before.

This is untrue. The birth Katie attended on Tuesday, November 22, just prior to

mine, had no preceptor or licensed midwife present. It was just Katie and the

family. On arrival to my home, she told everyone present that she had just

delivered the baby and repaired a perineal tear alone, and the mother later

confirmed that this had been the case.

Another couple who had Katie at their birth without a preceptor, in which the

mother and baby experienced complications, were scheduled to testify at the

trial as well. It has happened at least two other times. These women have not

yet come forward to discuss their experiences. My hope is that at some point

they will.

The client was told that there was not a midwife available and that she should

transfer to the hospital.

This is false. We were not told that a midwife would not be present, and were

led to believe that everything was being handled as agreed upon.

This is the most striking claim made by Ms. McCall, and one that was not

generated until well after the birth. When I arrived to testify at the trial, I

expected that our experiences might differ slightly with regard to some details,

but that much of our testimonies would be congruent. I was stunned when the

District Attorney

informed me of Katie’s defense: that on arrival to our birth, she had told us no

midwife would be attending and that we should transfer. This never happened. At

no point in the labor or post-birth period did Ms. McCall recommend a transfer.

Three witnesses corroborate this and testified to it in court under oath.

If Ms. McCall had recommended a transfer, we would have transferred. This is

especially true of my husband, who would have been entirely uncomfortable

without a properly qualified midwife, and would have insisted on going to the

hospital immediately.

Katie looked on during the labor and was minimally involved, not wanting to

practice midwifery without a license.

Katie performed multiple functions of a midwife throughout the labor and birth,

including cervical checks, doppler readings, administering pitocin, and suturing

perineal tears. Never did she express any reticence to me or my husband about

serving in this capacity because of the lack of supervising midwife.

When Katie recommended a transfer, the client refused to transfer to the


I did not refuse to transfer. A transfer was never recommended. If a transfer

had been recommended for any legitimate reason, I would have transferred.

The clients requested that Katie stay with them despite the recommendation to


We made no such request, assuming that Katie would be attending the birth as

agreed upon.

Katie’s statements give the impression that this all happened very quickly,

which was not the case. She became aware of my labor two days before the actual

birth, giving her ample time to contact a supervising midwife or other licensed

birth professional. Once at my home, she was present there for over 10 hours.

During that time, if she had assessed that none of her preceptors would be

available, she could have explained this to us and given us the option of

transferring or contacting a midwife outside of her preceptor list; she did not.

Katie was not present when the baby crowned and the head was born.

Katie was present through the pushing and crowning phase, also providing

perineal support as the baby’s head emerged and pulling on the head as it was


The birth resulted in a shoulder dystocia and a subsequent severe postpartum

hemorrhage. Katie treated these conditions and saved the life of the mother and

the baby.

The diagnosis of shoulder dystocia is highly questionable, since some of the

obvious warning signs were not present. The diagnosis was also not confirmed by

a medical professional. Katie initially treated this suspected issue with

techniques contra-indicated for the condition, such as pulling on the baby’s

head when it emerged and failing to wait for the next imminent contraction to

birth the baby’s shoulders and body.

It is likely that Katie contributed to or directly caused the postpartum

hemorrhage by removing the placenta prematurely, with ungloved hands. After this

occurred, I began to hemorrhage severely. The extensive bleeding was largely

ignored by Ms. McCall until it became potentially life-threatening. She did not

treat it immediately as has been suggested. Instead, she did not attempt to

treat the bleeding until the acupuncturist who was present expressed distress

over my appearance. The hemorrhage was initially stopped by myself and the

witness present, and again when I began to bleed minutes later. After the

bleeding resumed the second time, Ms. McCall administered a shot of pitocin.

Ms. McCall eventually called an ambulance and the patient transferred after the


Katie never called an ambulance or any other medical support personnel, nor did

she instruct anyone else to do so. Earlier in the birth, Katie had requested the

presence of a woman who was considering becoming a doula to provide labor

support under Katie. She had worked as an EMT but did not serve in this capacity

or provide medical assistance at the birth.

Despite heavy blood loss and a severe perineal tear, Katie did not recommend

that we transfer to a hospital for treatment. She instead chose to suture the

tear herself, which later led to serious complications. At no point did she

suggest that she was unqualified to perform these maneuvers, and at no point did

she recommend a

hospital transfer after the birth. If my husband and I had been made aware of

the severity of these injuries, we would have sought medical help immediately.

Katie respected the rights of the birthing couple and honored their choice not

to transfer.

This was never our choice to make, since she did not recommend a transfer or

give us a true appraisal of the situation. Our options were limited rather than

respected because of Ms. McCall’s actions.

This is a victimless crime. The mom and the baby were healthy and were not

involved in the case.

Both my child and I were injured as a result of our treatment at the birth.

Our family is involved in this case. We traveled to a state that has no

jurisdiction over us, and testified when we had no legal obligation to do so. We

have no intention of filing a civil case, and therefore no potential financial

gain. I am legally entitled to damages, which amount to many thousands of

dollars, but I am not seeking them. I also have grounds to sue Katie McCall for

both fraud and breach of contract, but have not done so. I have nothing to gain

from this. Testifying was humiliating and a tremendous invasion of our family’s

privacy. In spite of all this, we feel strongly about speaking the truth, and

chose to be involved.

Ms. McCall was reported to the Medical Board by a doula at the prompting of two


Katie was reported by an acupuncturist who was present at the birth, not a


The acupuncturist’s acquaintance with “two midwives” had nothing to do with her

desire to file a report. After deciding to file, the acupuncturist briefly

consulted her own midwife to ask which governing board should be contacted. She

did not speak with any other midwives.

Midwives threatened the doula’s [acupuncturist’s] career or pressured her in

some way in order to convince her to file.

The acupuncturist present at the birth lives in a completely different state

from the midwife she initially consulted, and she was in no way under someone’s

influence or at risk of having her career threatened by not filing this report.

She has not worked for any midwives in any capacity before, during, or since

this incident.

Further, when she filed the report, she believed she was reporting a licensed

midwife for gross negligence. She did not realize Ms. McCall was unlicensed, and

learned this only after filing the report.

This woman’s integrity has been maligned in a number of forums, and this is not

only unfair, but unrepresentative of who she is as a person. She has maintained

the highest professional and ethical standards throughout her career and the

trial process, and was named an “expert witness” due to her training and

expertise. She is also a home birthing mother herself. After witnessing the

irresponsible and unethical conduct of Ms. McCall, and knowing the danger she

might pose to future clients, she decided to alert someone. Her desire in filing

was to maintain the high standards set by the midwifery profession, and to

protect other families from similar treatment.

The acupuncturist filed the report and became involved in the subsequent trial

at great personal and emotional expense, and has nothing to gain from her

involvement. Anyone familiar with the rigors of the trial process will realize

that it doesn’t make sense to leave her own young child, travel across the

country, testify and be cross examined, and expose herself to public scrutiny

without an excellent reason. She wanted to protect birthing women, and had a

personal and professional obligation to do so.

The following details may be absent from trial or court records, but I would

like to address them here:

After this incident, Ms. McCall eventually received her license and became a

fully certified midwife.

She received her license only because of a clerical error on the part of the

California Medical Board, which failed to properly search for her name (using

“Katie McCall” instead of “Katherine McCall”) during the licensing process. As a

result, they did not see the complaint filed against her or the investigation

which was in process. Katie McCall would not have been licensed had this error

not occurred.

Katie McCall refused to take a plea deal for a lesser charge.

Although Ms. McCall initially refused to plead guilty to a lesser charge in

exchange for leniency, this was not the case once the trial was underway.

Following the testimony of me and my husband, she and her attorney

sought a plea from the District Attorney who was prosecuting the case. At that

point it had become evident that her testimony was not the truth and that a

guilty verdict was likely. The DA refused the plea.

This case threatens doulas and laypeople who attend births. Midwives can be

charged with a felony for palpating a belly or taking blood pressure.

This is not an issue, unless those in attendance are hired specifically to

provide midwifery services and fail to do so. Laypeople are protected under good

samaritan laws and would not be subject to this sort of prosecution. Katie

McCall was not convicted of a felony for palpating a belly or taking blood

pressure. She was convicted for gross negligence, dishonesty, and

life-threatening actions at a birth, and for practicing medicine without a

license. These concerns are built on details that are simply not true.

This is all about the right to birth at home.

This is about one person who accepted money for a birth for which she claimed

there would be a preceptor, and never asked a preceptor to be present. She has

attended at least three births in this manner without a preceptor present. At no

time did she recommend a transfer, and at no time did I refuse to transfer. When

complications arose, Ms. McCall managed them poorly instead of recommending

transfer to a hospital for treatment. This is not about the right to birth at

home. This is about holding an individual accountable for her actions, and

preventing her from inflicting similar or worse treatment on others.

These stories are simply too different to be reconciled to each other; one of us

is speaking the truth, one is not. One of us gains nothing from lying, has no

motivation to do so, and has not sought publicity from the case in any way. The

other has everything to lose, and spent the trial and its aftermath scrambling

to change the story, to generate support under false pretenses, and to save her


It is tempting to curve this into an ideological battle to support our right to

birth at home (or wherever we desire). This right should be upheld and supported

by men and women all over our country without reservation. However, this case is

a poor example; it isn’t about our rights as home birthing parents. It is about

a woman who acted far beyond the boundaries of her training and the desires of

birthing parents, whose actions resulted in serious complications, and who then

proceeded to lie in court, and to all of you. It is about preserving the

integrity of midwifery, and protecting families from negligent practitioners.

Please distribute this statement in full as you see fit. My only request is that

readers respect my desire for privacy in this issue. Our family has already been

through so much, in a very public way, and so we now ask that our privacy be

maintained. Thank you.

A Country that Kidnaps Children is Sick Indeed

I used to wonder how people could be locked up in concentration camps. I used to drop my jaw in awe at the idea that friends and neighbors would turn someone in to a corrupt government for nothing but abiding by their conscience or their religious belief. I used to think with disbelief about how a person could look into securing false paperwork to escape a country headed down a dark path.

I no longer wonder.

My own trials aside, I am heartbroken for an even greater injustice.

I have friends who had their children kidnapped from them by the faceless “state.” Their six children were taken for no reason but being “different.” They keep kosher, observe the sabbath and birth and school their kids at home. They have no criminal record and the charges brought against them by the state did not stick.

I knew this family before their drama with the state. Their children are beautiful, loved and cared for. Even the state agrees they are.

But the public doesn’t believe it. It is apparently too hard to wrap your head around the idea that the state has the power to remove children from their parents for no good reason. It is too painful to consider that children might be traumatized for profit. It is too difficult to entertain the thought that OUR state… the one that we all grew up thinking was so “good” and “free” would do something so evil we can’t even acknowledge it exists.

How do you console a mother who weeps for her babies? How do you fight for her in such an odd battle where nobody wants to join in the difficult task for taking on these bullies?

What kind of country do we live in that we turn a blind eye when a good mother is begging to have her babies returned and is denied access to them for no reason, despite a court order to have them returned?

I used to wonder how the German people could say they didn’t know about the concentration camps. I now wonder how United States citizens can sit idly by and allow CPS to have the kind of unchecked and corrupt power it does. Only our children are the ones to suffer. What kind of future will they champion, being ripped from the families who love them, adopted out so a local CPS office can gain 4 grand for their sale?

Will we sit idly by while the state drives mothers insane by murdering the most sacred space of their hearts and then declares her insanity as the very reason her children were ripped from her?

Will you turn a deaf ear to her cry? All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

Stand for liberty now in peacetime. I don’t care that our government isn’t as corrupt as some… I want the kind of freedom NOW that I will wish I had during the deep tyranny that may come.


It’s All About the Tar and Feathers

It’s been a little while. I’m on to trial number two. (for those unfamiliar with trial one, please visit: http://www.supportmidwifekatiemccall.wordpress.com/about)

Yes, you read that right.

A few days ago, my attorney and I headed into court again. This time it was a new venue: The Administrative Law Court in downtown Los Angeles. The Medical Board is now beginning its’ action against my license.

I knew the proceedings were going to be wonky when the judge told my attorney (in attempt to help him understand how the court works… it’s a far cry from the Federal Criminal Court), “Ok, look… set aside your intuition and what you know of right and wrong for a minute…”

The Deputy Attorney General representing the Medical Board, Vladimir Shalkevich, has apparently been with my case since its’ inception. It’s nice to finally meet a face that has been so intimately involved, rather than being a peon in a cubicle somewhere. This man has MET the witnesses and apparently believes strongly enough in my case to make it his bread and butter all these years.

During the proceedings, he told Stephen (my attorney), “Your client does know that she is liable to pay all of the expenses of these proceedings and the attorney’s fees (his own) associated with this, right?”

I almost died laughing. Seriously, dude, get in line.

Stephen explained that if the Medical Board doesn’t allow me to work, how do they expect me to pay. He went on to tell both him and the judge that he thought the whole thing was financially motivated. Duh.

But “Vlad” said that he believed the Medical Board was not motivated by money, but by the desire to “get their license back that they accidentally gave to Ms. McCall.”

“It’s as if,” he said, “your client found the neighbor’s puppy and needs to return it.”

The Medical Board offered to continue the case until after my appeal IF I would stipulate to a suspension of my license… something I cannot do. If I stipulate to suspension and then win at appeal, the suspension will always remain with me and is looked at unfavorably by most other states if I were to move (might have to after all this bullying!).

Of course, “Vlad” went on and on about the unsafe position I have put the medical board in as I might just “go and practice” even on probation. You know, cus I’m such a lawbreaker.

After court, Stephen called his bluff and asked if he would be willing to bend the rules (stating that I can’t surrender my own license during investigations or discipline) in exchange for not owing the Medical Board any money… I mean, honestly, I can think of nothing I’d like better than to NEVER have to deal with the crazy Medical Board again!

Of course Vlad declined the offer.

So… we’re off to trial number two on June 6th. I am TRULY hoping that people will come and support me at this trial more than any other. From what we know of the way the Medical Board works, the trial itself doesn’t even matter. The judge could rule against the Medical Board and tell them to quit their bullying, but the Medical Board is under no obligation to even listen to the judge. They will still do whatever they like.

And “Vlad” let us know several times, in no uncertain terms, that they want to revoke my license. They are not willing to even bend.

So, PLEASE plan to join us on June 6th at the Administrative Law Court. The address is: Offfice of Administrative Hearings, 320 West Fourth Street, sixth floor, Los Angeles, CA 90013. The room itself can only hold so many people, so we may need to alternate viewers.

It’s going to be a doozy of a tar and feather show. I’m just going to be openly and publicly paraded as the convict I am. I’d really love to know there are people there who know a convict isn’t ALL I am.

Also, if you’re into holding signs/protesting whatever, this is the day to do it. We have nothing to lose… I mean, what are they gunna do to me, take my license away???

Also… PLEASE consider writing letters to the following people to voice your opinion, either by snail mail or email. If you already wrote a letter for trial, you can just amend that and send a copy to each person below. You are also free to call these people… they are being funded by your tax dollars after all. Distribute far and wide. Thank you!!!!

After calling or sending your letter/email, make a complaint about the Medical Board of CA here:


Vladimir ShalkevichDeputy Attorney General (assigned to my case)
Health Quality Enforcement
300 S Spring St Fl 5
Los Angeles, California 90013
vladimir.shalkevich@doj.ca.gov(213) 897-2148

Office of the Attorney General
P.O. Box 944255
Sacramento, CA 94244-2550
Phone: (916) 445-9555

Renee Threadgill, Chief of Enforcement (renee.threadgill@mbc.ca.gov) and Laura Sweet, Deputy Chief of Enforcement (laura.sweet@mbc.ca.gov)
Medical Board of CA
2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1200
Sacramento, CA  95815
(916) 263-2389 phone
(916) 263-2387 fax
and cc enforcement staff: Susan Cady (susan.cady@mbc.ca.gov), Ramona Carrasco (ramona.carrasco@mbc.ca.gov), Kurt Heppler (kurt.heppler@mbc.ca.gov), Natalie Lowe (natalie.lowe@mbc.ca.gov), Kelly Maldanado (kelly.maldanado@mbc.ca.gov), Ian McGlone (ian.mcglone@mbc.ca.gov), Valerie Moore (valerie.moore@mbc.ca.gov), Paulette Romero (paulette.romero@mbc.ca.gov)

Governor Jerry Brown (who appoints the Medical Board members)
c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-2841
Fax: (916) 558-3160

Or send an email through the following link: http://govnews.ca.gov/gov39mail/mail.php

Barbara Yaraslovski, President
Medical Board of California
2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1200
Sacramento, CA  95815
(916) 263-2389 phone
(916) 263-2387 fax

Reginald Low, M.D., Chair
Medical Board of California
2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1200
Sacramento, CA  95815
(916) 263-2389 phone
(916) 263-2387 fax

Hedy Chang, Vice Chair
Medical Board of California
2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1200
Sacramento, CA  95815
(916) 263-2389 phone
(916) 263-2387 fax

Susan Morrish
Midwifery Program Analyst
Medical Board of California
Phone: 916-263-2393
Fax: Ph:  916-263-8936

Other Medical Board Members:
Clarence H. Braddock, M.D.,
Neal Cohen, M.D.,
Daniel Giang, M.D.,
F. Allan Hubbell, M.D., M.S.P.H.,
James Nuovo, M.D.,
Neil Parker, M.D.,
Andrew Ries, M.D.,
Frank R. Sinatra, M.D.,
c/o Medical Board of California
2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1200
Sacramento, CA  95815
(916) 263-2389 phone
(916) 263-2387 fax

Medical Board Execute Staff:
Linda Whitney, Executive Director, linda.whitney@mbc.ca.gov
Kimberly Kirchmeyer, Deputy Director, kimberly.kirchmeyer@mbc.ca.gov
Dan Wood, Public Information Officer, dan.wood@mbc.ca.gov
Curt Worden, Chief of Licensing, curt.worden@mbc.ca.gov
Jennifer Simoes, Chief of Legislation, jennifer.simoes@mbc.ca.gov
Susan Morrish, Licensing, Susan.Morrish@mbc.ca.gov
c/o Medical Board of California
2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1200
Sacramento, CA  95815
(916) 263-2389 phone
(916) 263-2387 fax